Saturday, August 25, 2012

23 Weeks

It may or may not have been a month since my last post.. ok, it's definitely been a month because I am now 23 weeks today and officially in my 6th month!! Soon I will be in my third trimester, that's so crazy and exciting for me, I think my husband is excited to. It feels like just a few weeks ago I was pacing back and forth in our apartment in Tennessee waiting for the test to say "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant" so the fact that we are more than halfway through is amazing.

Updates since my last post: I had the 20wk ultrasound. It was hard to see the baby as well as I could the last time I had an ultrasound because there is less room for the baby and he or she was moving a lot! At one point the baby started kicking me, then stopped and crossed its feet.. it was pretty funny to watch. After all of the required photos for the doctors, I was able to get a few pictures for Adam and I. The lady asked if I wanted to know the gender, I said yes but I'd like it written down on a piece of paper so I can skype with my husband who is deployed and let him read it so we could find out together. I was still getting the ultrasound done when Adam kept trying to call me through skype but I wasn't allowed to answer it, I thought it was funny though because he called like 10 times. Finally I got home and skyped him right away. I opened the letter and showed it to him first.. he looked at it funny then I realized it was upside down lol so I turned it the right way and we both smiled and laughed and were/are so happy! I will never forget the look on his face, he was just lit right up and so excited. That was the first time I had seen him look really happy the whole time he's been deployed.

So a few days ago I had a doctors appointment, no big deal just the usual monthly checkup and to follow up with the ultrasound.. so I thought. Well I was shocked to learn that I have a fibroid on my uterus. A fibroid is a non cancerous tumor. My doctor acted like it was no big deal and didn't really bother to explain it and I was still shocked that I forgot to ask questions. I had NO clue. The only thing I knew is that there is now a higher chance of me going into labor early and that I have to be careful and really pay attention to any signs of labor or any kind of pain. I'm already at a higher risk for preterm labor so that worries me. It wasn't there just a few months ago so how did it happen so fast? If you know me well then you know that my mother died from a tumor, a brain tumor. I remained calm while the doctor went on to mumble something about getting a sugar test next month, but the word 'tumor' was making me panick on the inside. As I was driving home I started sobbing harder than I've cried in a very long time. I was also upset because usually my doctor appointments take half an hour, maybe 45 minutes tops but they were running behind so I was there for 2 hours! I was furious, I missed my husbands calls/messages because there was no service in the building and to top it off with finding out I have a tumor.. let's just say I had a meltdown for a good hour or two once I got home. THANKFULLY my husband got online one last time before going to bed to see if I was on and we were able to talk. He calmed me down and we looked more into my condition and found out it's really not as dangerous as I had thought it to be and that more than likely I and the baby will be just fine. There is nothing they can do about it while I am pregnant, it's something that will have to wait awhile after I give birth. It's amazing how I can have an awful day and be a total mess yet two minutes talking to my husband and I feel just fine again. I love that even from thousands of miles away he can somehow find the right things to say and always knows how to make me feel better. I can't wait for him to be home and for our family to be together again. He really is the love of my life.

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: nothing, somehow I weigh the exact same
Maternity clothes? just a few things for now

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: I sleep for about 2 hours then I'm up wide awake, and by the time I'm tired again its 6am. Stinks!
Best moment this week: When I was having the worst day ever and my husband was able to skype me and cheer me up :)

Miss Anything? Not having aches and pains everyday, being able to eat anything I wanted without having to really worry about it

Movement: All the time, especially at 2am and 5:30pm is when there is the most movement.. dinner time and sleepy time lol
Food cravings: Chicken, Mac n cheese and potatos.. any comfort food really!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anything unusual 
Gender: Keeping it a secret for a little while longer :)
Labor Signs: Just some good ol Braxton-Hicks

Symptoms: Heartburn everyday & feeling like the bones and muscles in my body and being destroyed
Belly Button in or out? In.. though it does look like its starting to change, I really hope it doesn't stick out lol
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Usually happy but I have been getting annoyed very easily lately and I have seem to have lost my "filter" so it's been hard for me to be nice to certain people! But I honestly don't care :)
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting my babyshower planned out soon

My sweet baby, can't wait to meet you in just a few months!! <3
Me trying on a sweater-dress I bought for this fall/winter, thankfully it's a little stretchy ;)

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