Tuesday, July 3, 2012

15 Weeks

Once again, I failed at writing a new post every week.. oops! Like most of you know, I'm a procrastinator but I am getting better. I have quite a bit of stuff I need to update you guys on, so first things first..

I am now on my 4th day of my 15th week. This week my baby's hair is growing on it's head and there is still the lanugo (fine hair all over the body) that protects the skin from the amniotic fluid. There are small blood vessels forming underneath the baby's skin. The baby can also make facial expressions and the sex organs are developing. I've heard your blood volume increases by 40% when you're pregnant, and it's very important to get enough iron in your diet or you may become anemic. Well, I have been getting dizzy spells lately and also shortness of breath which I've heard is common but not exactly normal.

Last Thursday evening I became so dizzy I could hardly walk and had to go to the ER because it really scared me and I was also a little short of breath. So after 4 hours of sitting in a bed hooked up to all sorts of machines to keep track of my vitals they finally said I was probably just dehydrated. (I'm sure not letting me eat or drink anything the entire time didn't help) Finally they hooked me up to an IV to get some fluids. It is so crazy how fast you get dehydrated when pregnant! They also did a quick ultrasound just to check on baby and it was the coolest thing ever. You can actually tell it's a baby now and not just a little blob ;) He/She was jumping around and I could see the limbs moving and at one point it even looked like the baby brought it's hand up to it's mouth. My dad was there with me and he got to see it too, which he thought was really cool. Makes me even more excited to be able to feel the baby move, which I should start to feel in a few weeks. I also just ordered a doppler machine that you can rent each month. It will be nice to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat whenever I want, it will also be great because Adam will finally be able to hear the heartbeat as well when we are on Skype.

Over the weekend I went camping in Port Sanilac with my husbands family. It was definitely nice to get away from the house and spend time with people I really enjoy being around (Yes, I actually do love my in-laws! lol) The weather was absolutely gorgeous out, sunny and warm. Though as I mentioned earlier, you get dehydrated SO fast when pregnant. I was drinking a bottle of water every hour and it still wasn't enough. I ended up having to lay down for a little bit and chug some more water and lay right in front of an air conditioner. It was Adam's neices 3rd birthday and we got her a few things, one of which was squirt guns.. well, she definitely shot me a few times with water! lol That will teach me to give a child something they can use against me ;) Later Saturday night the campground had fireworks, they were actually pretty impressive for a campground. Sitting there surrounded by his family watching the fireworks I just couldn't get really excited about it. I just couldn't help but only think of Adam and how much I wish he was there with me. It's just not the same without him. I'm getting used to him being gone but it never get's easier.

Yesterday afternoon I had an echocardiogram done (ultrasound of my heart) and got hooked up to a heart monitor I have to carry around with me for 24 hours. They just want to make sure that my palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath aren't actually my heart, and if it is my heart at least they will probably figure out how to deal with it. Well, it's been 24 hours now so I'm taking this thing off and taking it back to the doctors.. here's my little survey:

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Gained the 4lbs I had previously lost

Maternity clothes? A pair of pants and shorts, also just got a shirt as well

Stretch marks? Not yet but I won't be surprised if I do

Sleep: I've been better about my sleep schedule and sleep at night now

Best moment this week: Seeing my baby jump around on the ultrasound

Miss Anything? My husband, as always

Movement: Not yet but maybe later this month or early August I think
Food cravings: Today it's been macaroni salad.. anything pasta!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just when people make disgusting burps lol

Have you started to show yet: I think so, not huge yet by any means but definitely poofing out ;)

Gender: Not sure just yet, only a few more weeks!!

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button in or out? In, hope it stays that way lol

Wedding rings on or off? Always on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Usually happy and excited about the baby

Looking forward to: Getting my doppler machine I ordered so Adam can hear the heartbeat too
This is me from over the weekend camping in Port Sanilac.. Taken 15 weeks exactly :)


  1. I remember that feeling of hubby being deployed for 4th of july. It's impossible to get excited about it....just feel like crying the whole day. I hope you're feeling better and that your echocardiogram turns out perfect. Need anything, let me know.

  2. yeah it wasn't a very good day, i tried to be happy but it wasn't gonna happen lol.. i'm definitely doing better right now, it was just one of those days and i really didn't think it would affect me the way it did. i should find out next week what's going on with my heart, hopefully whatever it is can easily be fixed or at least not be anything serious. thanks girl :)
